A / AN
A/AN - Artigo Indefinido (um /uma)
A - antes de palavras que começam com consoantes.
AN - antes de palavras que comecem com vogal ou com som de vogal.
It is an old university.
It is an exception to the rule.
It is a long trip, but it is an easy trip.
It is a large library.
It is an orange.
It is a pear.
He is an honest man.
She is an old woman.
It is a tall tree.
It is an apple.
It is an old bus.
It is an empty bottle.
It is an hour till lunch.
It is a windy day.
It is a good idea.
It is a good movie.
It is a hot day.
I am a student.
He is a businessman.
Paul is a lawyer.
It is a beautiful dress.
He is a frenchman.
He is a young man.
He is wearing a uniform.
There is a university there.
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